August 29, 2019
I’m thinking of a couple of friends who are community-loving people.
As they have loved their community, I am hoping their community, where they live and the neighbors who now live far away – will love them back today.
If they are tired, please complete one of their tasks.
If they believe no one can understand how alone their situation makes them feel; then, be present and quiet until there is a clear need to meet.
If they feel too ill or are in too much pain to enjoy the successes they have achieved, hold their hand and whisper “thank you”.
In advertising, one should always “call to action”.
This post, “Love Steps Up” is to appreciate those who have generously expressed their support of our artwork . . .
and call kindness to action.
You have your own friends and acquaintances – whose lives could be lived a bit better today . . .
because of you.